What Are the Benefits of Wearing a Helmet?
If you ride a bicycle or enjoy ice skating or rollerblading, you’ve probably been admonished to make certain you wear a helmet. In 18 states and in the District of Columbia, the laws require that you wear a helmet while operating a motorcycle on a public roadway. Often, the express or implied purpose for wearing a helmet while engaged in these riskier activities is the belief that doing so will minimize your risk of a serious brain injury. But is that true? If not, what are the benefits of wearing a helmet?
Will an Approved Helmet Prevent You from Suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury?
As with many things, the answer to this question is less than straightforward. As a general rule, motorcycle helmets do not significantly reduce the risk of a traumatic brain injury, as the force of impact when you’re traveling 30-70 miles per hour still poses a substantial risk of internal brain injury, whether you’re wearing a helmet or not. A helmet may, in the right circumstances, reduce the risk of skull fractures or contusions to the head, but it cannot sufficiently cushion your brain to prevent whiplash-like injuries.
Studies conducted by the Cleveland Clinic, however, show that, with bicyclists, wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of structural injury to your brain by as much as 85%. It’s important, though, that your helmet fits correctly, and that the chin strap is buckled. The Cleveland Clinic study also found that helmets can help minimize the likelihood of injuries when worn in activities such as skating, climbing or skateboarding. Researchers say that these activities do not typically include high-speed impact, which can often be the cause of traumatic brain injury.
Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment
At Advantage Healthcare Systems, we have extensive experience working successfully with individuals who suffer any type of personal injury. Call us toll-free at 1-877-487-8289 or fill out the form provided below to schedule an assessment. We offer locations across Texas, including Fort Worth, Dallas and San Antonio.