Studies Show Motor Vehicle Crashes Cause One in Five Traumatic Brain Injuries According to statistics compiled by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), approximately 20% of all hospitalizations related to traumatic brain injury involve patients hurt in motor vehicle accidents. Car wrecks are the … [Read more...]
Many Concussions Go Unreported
Study Concludes the Problem Is Widespread According to a comprehensive study conducted by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Sports Medicine Concussion Program, as many as three million athletes suffer a concussion during competition every year. About one in ten of those are tied to … [Read more...]
Traumatic Brain Injury—The Symptoms
Telltale Signs of TBI According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the majority of people who suffer a traumatic brain injury experience full or significant recovery in a relatively short period of time, provided they obtain appropriate medical treatment. CDC statistics indicate that 75-90% … [Read more...]
Traumatic Brain Injury—More Common than You Think
Statistics Show Pervasiveness of TBI Most of us have had a bump on the head at some point, but few of us understand how serious a bump or blow to the skull can be. Many people suffer moderate or serious traumatic brain injury every day, and TBIs account for about one-third of all injury-related … [Read more...]
How to Know If You Have a Concussion
Recognizing the Warning Symptoms of a Serious Bump to the Head We all have experienced a significant bump to the head, whether in a recreational sports event, on the job, in a motor vehicle accident, or just doing something around the house. Often, you notice a big lump or maybe even a cut, but you … [Read more...]
The Importance of Early Detection and Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury
Maximizing Your Recovery from TBI When you're in a car crash, have a fall at work or at home, or hit your head while playing sports, there's a tendency to just shake it off. Because your skull is pretty thick, you might assume you're fine unless there's a serious open wound. But that's almost … [Read more...]
The Glasgow Coma Scale
Determining the Severity of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) When you've suffered any type of blow or injury to your head, one of the first and most important steps is to determine the extent and severity of the injury, as that will dictate the course of care. Most professionals who treat traumatic … [Read more...]
Traumatic Brain Injury —More Common Than You Think
Data Shows Prevalence of TBI in America According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than 2.8 million people suffer some form of traumatic brain injury (TBI) every year. The CDC defines a traumatic brain injury as any interruption of normal brain function as a consequence of trauma, … [Read more...]
Tips for Preventing Traumatic Brain Injury ( TBI )
Minimizing the Risk of a Brain Injury According to statistics, more than 2.5 million Americans seek treatment every year for a traumatic brain injury ( TBI ), and about a third of those people experience some permanent type of disability. You might think the most common cause of TBI would be motor … [Read more...]
Will Wearing a Helmet Prevent a Concussion?
Not Necessarily…But It's Still a Very Good Idea According to national studies, about two million athletes suffer some type of concussion in the United States every year. Many safety advocates have called for mandatory helmet laws and rules, arguing that many or most concussions could be avoided … [Read more...]