How Treatment Changes as You Get Better
Any traumatic brain injury, even one initially thought to be mild, has the potential to be serious and even life-threatening. The good news, though, is that the vast percentage of people who suffer mild TBIs (also known as “concussions”) make a full recovery within a reasonable period of time. Nonetheless, you must treat any TBI as a serious condition. Here’s a look at what the recovery process looks like for a mild TBI.
Rest Is Critical in the Immediate Aftermath of a TBI
Any type of blow to the head can cause swelling, bruising, or even internal bleeding. In the first few days after you suffer a TBI, the best course of action is to take it easy. Avoid any strenuous physical activity, stay away from screens and monitors, and don’t drive. The length of time you need to remain sedentary differs for each person. The best way to know how long you should take it easy is to work closely with a medical professional. You may need to see your doctor on a daily basis at first.
Don’t Rush the Return to Your Regular Routine
As you start to improve physically, gradually return to the activities you engaged in before your injury. Start with simple and nonstrenuous tasks, such as walking. Avoid any activity that causes TBI symptoms to return. Let your doctor tell you when you can start engaging in more physical activities. When your symptoms are gone, try going back to your former activities, but be ready and willing to temporarily suspend them if symptoms return.
Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment
At Advantage Healthcare Systems, we have extensive experience working successfully with individuals who suffer a concussion or other type of TBI. Call us toll-free at 1-877-487-8289 or fill out the form provided below to schedule an assessment. We offer locations across Texas, including Fort Worth, Dallas, and San Antonio.