Physical Therapy | Speech and Language Therapy | Occupational Therapy
When you suffer a brain injury, it’s important to work closely with a medical caregiver to determine the best approach for returning you to health. Every injury is different, and each patient responds differently to the various therapies. Here are some of the types of medical care you can expect in the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury ( TBI ):
- Physical therapy—The goals of physical therapy (PT) are to restore physical strength and function, maximize mobility, and alleviate pain. PT can help you with balance, gait training, regaining the ability to walk or engage in physical activities, and strengthening your core.
- Speech and language therapy—A speech therapist will help you regain the ability to verbally communicate and assist you with developing conversational skills, ensuring that your speech can be heard and understood by others. Your speech therapist also will help you understand conversational norms, so you can function properly in social situations.
- Occupational therapy—The name is a bit of a misnomer, as occupational therapy focuses not only on restoring functions necessary to work but also those required for routine day-to-day functions, such as shopping, hygiene and grooming, dressing, paying bills, housekeeping, cooking, and driving.
- Occupational rehab—This program emphasizes the skills necessary to go back to work. Typically, a therapist determines the skills necessary to do the patient’s job and designs exercises and other treatment to reestablish the skills necessary to perform the everyday tasks required.
- Cognitive rehabilitation—A cognitive rehabilitation program focuses on retraining and rebuilding certain brain skills, such as problem-solving, attention, and memory.
Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment
Let us help you take steps to properly respond to a concussion or other brain injury. Call Advantage Healthcare Systems toll-free at 1-877-487-8289 or fill out the form provided below to schedule an assessment. We offer locations across Texas, including Fort Worth, Dallas, and San Antonio.